Also, read about MindBody app (booking, waitlist, cancellations), hydration, parking,etc under the more tab


The elevated temperature and humidity protects muscles by allowing for deeper range of motion, intensifies the cardiovascular workout, and detoxifies the body through sweat. As is true when adjusting to any new setting, the environment can be a formidable challenge for the new practitioner, but students adjust much more quickly than they expect.


Appropriate and clean light, stretchy clothes that still cover the necessities. While covering as little skin as you feel comfortable with is beneficial for learning about and understanding your body, keep in mind that you will be moving and twisting in many different directions, so your clothes need to stay put.  Suggested attire:

  1. Men - comfortable shorts that show your knees. T-shirt optional. No socks.

  2. Women - sports bra and comfortable shorts that show your knees. T-shirt optional. No socks.

WHAT SHOULD I BRING?​ We do have rental mats, towels & water/coconut water for purchase.  See pricing link for more details.

  1. Yoga mat

  2. Full length yoga towel to cover mat - preferably not a beach towel

  3. At least 16 ounces of water for during class.

  4. Electrolytes and extra water for after class

  5. Towel for after class to dry off

  6. Change of clothes especially in winter

  7. A bag to put your sweaty clothes and yoga towel in


  1. Hydrate (water) during the day.  Stop drinking fluids 45 minutes to one hour before class.  Water takes that amount of time to be absorbed in the body.  Plus, you will not feel as if you need to leave the room to use the bathroom.

  2. Do not eat two hours before class.  It is not unusual to feel nauseous or dizzy during your first class. Generally means you are dehydrated. Practicing yoga in a heated room reveals to us our present condition, and inspires us take much better care of ourselves.Usually the problem is that we do not drink enough water for daily living, let alone for exercising in a heated room. Nutritionists tell us that we need 64-80 ounces of water a day to help the body function properly.

  3. In the heated yoga room, your body needs adequate amount of water to allow perspiration to release heat from the body as you practice. So we estimate you need another 32-64 ounces (sometime during the day) to allow for your 90 or 70 minute practice to be beneficial. Once you are drinking enough water your body will tolerate the heat better and you will actually enjoy the heat.  Also, replacing electrolytes is crucial immediately after practice.  We do sell coconut water which will help you feel rejuvenated quickly.
    If you feel disoriented or like you need a good nap after your first few classes, this is likely because your body has begun to cleanse itself as a result of the yoga practice. Don’t be scared. After the first few classes this sensation will pass. The more you can relax as you give your 110% honest effort during class, the more energized you will feel throughout the class and throughout the rest of your day.

  4. If you feel sick, headache, dizzy, etc, you are most likely dehydrated.  HYDRATE with electrolytes!!


  1. Contrary to popular belief, yoga is not all about bending yourself into a pretzel. Saying you don’t do yoga because you’re not flexible, is like saying you don’t eat because you’re hungry. Increased inner stabilization strength will increase joint mobility.  There are no prerequisites for this class.


  1. There are two changing rooms

  2. There is a bathroom

  3. There is a shower. 


  1. Be 20 minutes early if it is your first class.  After you know the routine, arriving 10-15 minutes early will work.  Feel free to arrive when the studio opens - 20 minutes before class! This will give you time to set up and relax in savasana before class begins.   

  2. I lock the door 5 minutes before class to secure people's belongings and to start on time.

  3. Bring only the essentials into the yoga room. There are great places to keep your things in the reception storage bins. Please don’t bring your keys, shoes, bags, or cell phones into class.

  4. The yoga room is a meditative space. Please enter and exit quietly. We love that you want to talk with your fellow yogis, and that’s why we have a comfy reception area. Please take your conversations outside of the ashram, and observe silence during your practice.

  5. Tailor your practice by skipping a pose or modifying, but do not digress too much from the teacher’s instruction. Doing so has a noticeable impact on the energy of the class.

  6. Be mindful of your neighbors’ space and savasana when setting up and collecting your mat.

  7. Avoid strong smelling lotions, oils, perfumes or deodorants.

  8. Strong body odor can be distracting especially during deep breathing exercises.  Please be clean prior to practicing.  This will also enhance toxin release.

  9. It is recommended not to wear jewelry, watches, etc in class.


  1.  The studio door will be unlocked 20 minutes before the start of class.

  2. The instructor locks the front door 5 minutes before class start time. This ensures that students’ belongings are safe while they are participating in class. This also ensures a safe practice due to the breathing and warm up exercises in the beginning of class.  Arriving early, setting up and relaxing in savasana is crucial to a great practice.

  3. If you are running late and the studio door is locked, you will need to return for another class.

  4. If you are unable to attend class, have prepaid and have not cancelled at least 12 hours prior to class start, you will not be refunded for that class.

  5. The studio will close 20 minutes after final savasana.


Book the class and your name will automatically be added to the waitlist.  If someone cancels your name will be added to that class and an e-mail/text message will notify you. If you do not have any available class passes you will be added to the class if a spot becomes available and you will have 12 hours to purchase a class or you will be removed from the class.


Once you have created an account on my website you will be able to cancel up to 12 hours prior to class start time and your account will be credited.  If you do not cancel prior to the 12 hour window and do not show, you will lose that class.  This policy is inplace to let others on the waitlist have ample notice to attend class.

WHAT TYPE OF CREDIT CARDS DO YOU ACCEPT AT THE STUDIO? AMEX, Mastercard, Visa, PayPal and Discover. We do accept cash and will have change if needed.

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